Agenda Questions
Presentation QuestionsNeed additional assistance with your profile? Please contact your Speaker Manager.
Speaker Profile Help:
Upload presentation Help:
When should I submit my presentation and handouts? Please submit all meeting materials (slides, handouts, articles, etc.) on the ATD Houston website as PDF files by 11:59 pm on Monday, September 18.2023
Presentation template: ATD Houston PowerPoint Template.pptx
Where do I upload my presentation?
- Go to and log into the site.
- Find your session and click on it.
- Click “Manage session”.
- Go to Add Presentation, select a file and click “Upload.”
Does ATD Houston print handouts for workshop/seminar sessions? ATD Houston does not print handouts for sessions. If you require handouts for your session, please bring them with you. Your handouts will be made available to participants on the website 1-2 days prior to the Conference. Estimated attendee counts can be seen on the agenda page for each session.
How early can I arrive to the meeting room to set up my presentation? ATD Houston cannot guarantee entrance into your meeting room prior to 10-15 minutes prior to your presentation. Most of the meeting rooms are in continuous use for sessions and/or committee meetings.
Why does ATD Houston need to have my presentation and handouts before the meeting? ATD Houston posts presentations online as PDF files prior to the start of the meeting so that participants may download and print materials before the meeting.
Audiovisual Questions
What audiovisual equipment will be made available for my session? The following audiovisual equipment comes with each session type: LCD projector and screen.
Presenters are responsible to provide as appropriate:
Is Internet provided for workshop/seminar sessions? Internet access is provided.
What if I need additional audiovisual equipment? If you require additional audiovisual equipment, please email
by close of business Friday, Sept. 22.
General Questions
Where do I check in? Please check in at the registration desk. You will receive a name badge.
What should I do when I arrive for the conference? Please pick-up your registration badge and materials at the main Registration desk. It is highly recommended that you locate the room that you will be presenting in to familiarize yourself with the room set-up.
Who should I talk to if I have questions prior to and during the Conference? You will be assigned a Speaker Manager. They will contact you by Friday, Sept 22.
How will workshop/seminar rooms be set? The workshop/seminar rooms will be set in theater style unless specified by your Speaker Manager.
Can I change the way the room is set up? Because meeting rooms are in continuous use, ATD Houston requests that speakers do not change the meeting room settings. If you change the room set, you must put it back in theater style at the end of the session.
Where is the schedule for the 2023 ATD Houston Talent Development Conference? 2023 ATD Houston Talent Development Conference and Expo
Will my presentation be evaluated? Yes. Participants will be asked to evaluate all presentations once the sessions are completed. The results will be shared with each individual presenter.
Can my travel and expenses be reimbursed? No compensation or honoraria is provided to speakers. Registration is waived for all approved speakers.